Mining, Material Handling & Coal Washing
A. Evaluation of Geological Reports of Coal and other minerals covering all aspects of mining. Assessment through modelling using standard software. Feasibility Reports/ Project Reports/ Techno-economic studies & evaluation/ Mining plans for statutory approval for all kinds of mines- open cast, under ground in coal and non coal.
Figure showing surface profile of mineral block in 3D Mesh generated by MINEX/ CARLSON
Figure showing boreholes and mineral strata generated by MINEX/ CARLSON
Feasibility studies for mining projects, material handling systems, coal washeries and related studies. Few aspects of broad approach for Opencast & Underground mining are noted below:
(i) Opencast Mining based on
- Conventional shovel-dumper combination
- Non-conventional shovel-inpit crusher-conveyor system
- Dragline
- Bucket wheel excavators,
- High Wall Mining
(ii) Underground (mechanized and semi-mechanised) Mining based on
- Longwall
- Shortwall/ Room & Pillar/ Bord & pillar
- Auger Mining
Including ventilation, pumping, transport (conveyor, rope haulage, winding)
(iii) Pit head Infrastructure facilities vis Coal handling Plants, Cross country Conveyors, Industrial/ Community/ Residential/Statutory buildings
B. Tender specifications
Preparation of tender specifications/ NITs for workshops, CHPs, Industrial buildings, Surface Infrastructure layouts with GA drawings and their evaluation
C. Implementation/Project Construction
Preparation of implementation drawings for Surface Infrastructure layouts, Detailed designs of workshops, CHPs, etc.
Supervision of manufacture, procurement, erection, commissioning and trial runs.
D. HEMM Efficiency
Examination of working conditions of Heavy Earth Moving Machinery (HEMM), its maintenance level, maintenance procedures, maintenance facilities, operator's skill and the relevant remedies to increase the efficiency of HEMM operation.
E. Efficiency of Material Handling Plants
Examination of material handling systems, their maintenance procedures, maintenance facilities and remedies including modifications to improve overall efficiency of Material Handling System (crushing, screening, blending, storage, stacking and loading facilities etc.)
F. Material Haulage
Trucks, Conveyor (conventional, steep angle and pipe), Rail, Water, Ropeways, Pipe lines and Rail-Veyor transportation.
G. Specialised Studies
- Slope stability for mines, slopes, dumps, dams and other excavations ;
- Optimisation of haulroads layouts and gradients ;
- Quality control of minerals during mining, consequent blending and selective mining based on micro scheduling on hourly basis by MINEX software;
- Drilling & blasting.
- Establishing optimum parameters for new project.
- Optimising parameters for running projects with a view to reduce drilling & blasting cost and safety.